Plant Care and Tips

All of our plants are grown right here on the southern Oregon Coast (ZONE 9B). We have very sandy, rich soil, and a lot of rain and humidity. Our temperatures are usually between 40-70F degrees year around.

Please keep plants indoors until all chance of frost has passed.

We ship all plants bare root unless otherwise stated, so please plant and water immediately upon arrival.

Your new plants will be thirsty upon arrival, some experience shock from being dug up and being shipped. Plant them, give them plenty of water, time, and love, they will come around. We recommend keeping the soil moist for the first month until they normalize.

Please space plants and trees accordingly. If you have any questions on spacing your specific plant/tree send us an email.


Huckleberries: An easy evergreen that enjoys full to partial sun, plenty of water for the first month until it acclimates to your climate. Will produce small, sweet huckleberries in the fall. Space 3-4 feet apart.

Blackberries, Salmonberries, and Wild Strawberries: Easy growing, edible berries that will grow and spread out. They enjoy full sun and can tolerate a variety of soils. Space 1-2 feet apart.

Flowering Red Currant, Red Elderberry: These plants are topped for shipping. They go into a pretty deep shock and appear to die off. Keep watering and caring for them and you will see green appear within 1-3 months, depending on when you purchased/planted them. Space 10-12 feet apart


Oxalis: These plants love shade and water! Will bloom with care.Rhizomes can be planted close together.

Heal-All, Foxglove, Lupine: Easy to grow, full sun, will tolerate a variety of soil types. Heal-All can be planted every 6 inches. Foxglove/Lupine should be space 1-2 feet apart.

Rhododendron, Flowering Red Currant: These plants are topped for shipping. They go into a pretty deep shock and appear to die off. Keep watering and caring for them and you will see green appear within 1-3 months, depending on when you purchased/planted them.  Space 2-6 feet apart.

Stargazer Lily, Tulips, Bulbs: Plant 2-4" deep, water, and love. Space 4-12 inches apart.


Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce: These evergreens are hardy, long lived trees that thrive in full to partial sun, and a variety of soils types. Space 6-12 feet apart.


Oxalis: These plants love shade and water! Will bloom with care. Rhizomes can be planted close together.

Plantain, Self Heal: Full to partial sun, easy to keep and grow. Space 6-12 inches.

Ferns: We top these pants due to shock. Plant the root ball in a shady area and keep well watered. Space 2-3 feet apart.

Wax Myrtle: Full to partial sun. Space 5-6 feet apart.